Why “Words of Iron”? What does that mean?

I always loved that passage from Gone to Texas, so ‘Words of Iron’ was something I immediately thought of when I first heard mention of the so-called “Iron Age” movement of comics (and media).

Is Words of Iron part of the “Iron Age” movement? Not quite. It’s more Iron-Age-Adjacent, for the time being. Not to disparage the Iron Age by any means, I myself am a three time short story winner on ironage.media, which is rapidly becoming the hub of the movement. There are those who are steering that ship, and I wish them smooth sailing, but also recognize that there are plenty of others who may wish to head toward a different horizon.

Words of Iron is intended to be about quality independent creations, free from censorship or finger-wagging from any direction. Quality being the key word. There will be no pandering to a creator for being wholesome and traditional, nor being diverse and inclusive. All that matters is the quality of the art. Big ol’ period.

Some of the work featured here may be offensive to the more sensitive, but we’re talking about pulp, sword and sorcery, westerns, etc., so expect graphic violence. I will try to advise beforehand as to language and sexual situations, but this is a sub primarily for adults, so…

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Subscribe to get updates on the upcoming cosmic horror fantasy adventure novel Like Sunshine, as well as short stories, artwork, and news.

Coming soon: Words of Iron podcast, exploring work from independent creators in the realm of Sci-fi, Fantasy, Western, Pulp, and much more.

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You won’t miss a thing. You’ll get updates on my first novel, along with sneak peeks at my new serial: 9Blades, as well as artwork, short stories, and news on my upcoming podcast.

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Words of Iron newsletter and podcast explores the artwork and writings of independent creators across multiple genres, including me, author D.S. Coleman, creator of the 'Song of Grace' and '9Blades' fantasy adventures.


Author of several short stories and creator of the Song of Grace and 9Blades series. My first novel, 'Like Sunshine' is coming soon to ebook and paperback.